Wednesday 31 October 2012

Ads. for Final Project

Our Advertisement for YOLO, Bar and Restaurant


Our menu

Poster Ads.

Thursday 25 October 2012


1. Line
2. Dot

3. Repetition

4. Shadow

5. Symmetry

6. Color

7. Close up

8. Reflection

9. Rule of Third & Dominant
10. Story

11. B&W half face portrait
12. B&W Self Portrait

Thursday 11 October 2012

Color Design Exercises

Main theme color

Hue: 333
R: 82%
G:  0%

Monochromatic  RGB: D2006B

Analogous based on RGB: D2006B

Complement based on RGB: D2006B
For the menu design, i choose the drink list because i love to drink and chill out.

My Menu Design <3

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Layout Design Exercises

Color Grid

My inspiration of choosing this set of color is cheerful, happy and colorful. I am using milky tone of colors because it looks like candy and sweets.

Grid with pictures
I love eating candy and sweet whenever i feel depress. Because of its sweetness, it help me feel better and fresh to stand against the problem. This pictures combining with the grids, show the sense of happiness and cheerful.

Magazine page
I got an inspiration while reading the star gossip magazine in the salon. I was reading about how each celebrities dress when going out. Therefore, I want to do the topic about the look from celebrities that i think it's suitable for everyone to dress and take it as examples.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Assignment 5: Book cover

In class exercise:

The reason I choose this book is because I really loike the author. Most of his books are not only fun, but also receive thoughts and philosophy. It's not boring nor sleeping pill. Rather it's a very good novel that teaches us about lives.

My version of the book cover
The Original Book
Playful book cover:

My version

The original book cover

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Combination Mark

This is the combination mark of Dusit Zoo. :D

This is the logo of State Railway of Thailand :D Hope you like my ideas na ka AJ!

Thursday 30 August 2012

Exercise 4: Animal typographic

cutie luxie

Animal: caterpillar 
Font: Myriad Pro

I got the inspiration from sushi. Yesterday i went to "Isao" and i really love to eat the menu called "caterpillar ". The chief uses his creativity to use various ingredient to make a caterpillar -like sushi.
Happy Chippy
Animal: Squirrel
Font: Papyrus

I really adore squirrel. I think it's one of the cutest animals. It's naughty and cheerful, which also describe me the most. I also like the squirrel accessory such as earrings, rings, bracelets and others. Therefore, i create the squirrel to represent me :D

Sunday 26 August 2012

Class 3's work

Exercise 1: Arrow 
Exercise 2

For my exercise 2 work, i choose the letter of my nickname, which is B-I-W. If you look carefully, the inner of the circle is letter B, then letter I in the middle layer; and the most outer layer is W. Altogether make up my name! :D yay

Exercise 3

Monday 20 August 2012

Week2 Assignment: Movie poster

Original Poster

My edition of the movie poster
This is my edition of the movie poster :D I search the background from google, the Monte Carlo view. Then choose Louis Vuitton trunk because it looks elegant :D. Then i pick the new character, which are Ann Hathaway, Hilary Duff and the other one i am not sure who :(

Thursday 16 August 2012

Class Work 16.8.12

 This is my first work in graphic class! yay! First time facing with the complication of photoshop, so hard :'(

Wednesday 15 August 2012

All about ME! :D

Phutita Porntanabordee #5345346328 Biw

Hello, my name is Biw, I am in Chulalongkorn University  :D. I have 2 sisters, i am a middle child. :D Nice to meet you all. I love reading books, watching movies and hanging out with my friends. From the graphic design class, i would like to get more knowledge of adobe photoshop and other graphic design tools! >3<

Lastly, if you guys wanna see me, i spend most of the time in the evening-night at Mellow, Crystal Park with Patraphan 55555+